Banned Books Week ~Sandpiper Part 6

Banned Books Week ~Sandpiper Part 6

Chapter Nine
Sandpiper has made some changes. After Walker started calling her Piper, she has decided to go by Piper. Rags gave her a driving lesson, on the way to Barlow they spotted Walker, walking. When they stop at the Dairy King, Walker is there and Piper introduces him to Rags. Rags offers him a lift and thinks he is weird when he refuses. Rags and Piper get in a fight on the way home.

Chapter Ten
Derek was flirting with Daisy at the beach. Rachel tries to talk to her about it, but when Piper tries to tell Daisy how dangerous Derek is she refuses to listen. Rachel agrees to watch out for Daisy since they hang out together so much.

Derek, Andrew and Hamilton attack Danny Boy (Piper's cat). Colleen and Piper take him to the veterinarian.

Nathan ask his best man to come out early to meet Adrienne.

Chapter Eleven
Piper ask Walker to come to the wedding reception but he says NO.

Gil Steinhart (the bestman) and Adrienne hit it off. Adrienne is back in the wedding. While Rachael and Daisy are out getting supplies for dinner they run into Derek, Andrew and Hamilton and Derek drops a bottle cutting Daisy's legs.

Chapter Twelve
Piper discovers that the florist doesn't have a record of the flower order and tries to fix things. After trying to clear up the confusion over the flower order she goes for a walk. She runs into Andrew and he apologizes for the things he did and tells her to watch out for Derek that he is acting weird and that Andrew and Hamilton aren't hanging out with him anymore. She walks to the Thai Seasons and discovers that it is abandoned and that Walker is squatting in a shed in the back. She leaves before he finds out she was there.

- Banned Books ~sandpiper, The End
Aidan and Piper stop at a Dinner to eat breakfast. Piper forgets to call Rachael before she and Aidan head for Springhaven. As they are walking along Route 7, Derek drives by in his truck. He stops and knocks Aidan out and then tries to rape Piper. Aidan...

- Banned Books Week ~ Sandpiper Part 5
Chapter 6 Sandpiper goes to the beach with Rachel (her son to be step-sister). Derek, Andrew and Hamilton are at the beach and they hassle Sandpiper, they also threaten Daisy. Sandpiper is really scared of them and wishes she had someone to talk to....

- Banned Books ~ Sandpiper Part 4
Chapter 5 Sandpiper is taking her English exam. She really enjoys English and likes her teacher. She is writing a poem as part of the exam. She is the last one finished and as she leaves the teacher encourages her to take Honors English next year. Sandpiper...

- Banned Book Week ~sandpiper Part 2
Chapter 3 -After her American History exam, Sandpiper heads into town to get lunch (she also hopes to see "Walker"). While she is at the dinner Derek & Andrew (2 guys she had briefly hooked up with) and their friend Hamilton come into the dinner...

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