Beating The Heat

Beating The Heat

"Hey there're looking a little worn out!"

Thanks for the vote of confidence, there, Daphne!

I guess when your animals start to look at you this way, 
you know you are looking a little haggard!

I typically think of myself as a very high energy person....
taking care of home and farm and animals.
But, I've got to tell you....
there is nothing like a five year old to remind you that you do not have 
quite the same stamina as you did at one time!

Yes, that is a cat along for our hike!
Although, honestly, it might also be due to the fact that
we have landed in the hottest week of the summer so far!

It's so warm that the pigs are spending a good portion of their days in their pool.
(as are we.....just not in the same pool!)

Cold water is the most important ingredient in keeping our animals cooled off 
during the hot days of summer.

The pigs' pool gets drained and cleaned daily as it is also their bathtub...
and by the end of every day is rather muddy!

I check, clean, and refill everyone's water several times throughout the day...
in order to assure they have fresh, cold drinks available.

In the wintertime we use heated buckets...
wouldn't it be nice if their were also refrigerated buckets for summer?

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