Things To Do On A Hot Summer Day

Things To Do On A Hot Summer Day

It seems that most of the country is experiencing a heat wave this week.
And we are no exception...
however, we are luckier than some.
Our high temps are just in the low could be much worse.

But still, for animals that are used to temps in the 80's and even 70's
a hot day can take its toll.

The horses, after spending a cool night out in the pasture...

spend their daytime napping in the shade of the run-in.

Ginger and MaryAnn take turns cooling off in the pool.

Just sitting there soaking in the water seems to be enough to keep these gals happy
on hot afternoons.

And from the looks of this water (muddy), I'd say they've used it quite a bit
on this particular afternoon.

Their pool gets scrubbed out and re-filled daily, of course.

The donkeys never seem to mind the heat, and rather than stand in the shade...
seem to prefer being in the sun.

Yesterday afternoon, they treated Annie to her favorite game...
although on cooler days everyone runs a little faster and farther.
But still...the game went on....

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