Bigger then you think ~The Pet Food Recall

Bigger then you think ~The Pet Food Recall

Nearly one month passed from the date Menu got its first report of a death to the date it issued the recall. During that time, no veterinarians were warned to be on the lookout for unusual numbers of kidney failure in their patients. No pet owners were warned to watch their pets for its symptoms. And thousands and thousands of pet owners kept buying those foods and giving them to their dogs and cats.

At that point, Menu had seen a
35 percent death rate in their test-lab cats, with another 45 percent suffering kidney damage. The overall death rate for animals in Menu's tests was around 20 percent. How many pets, eating those recalled foods, had died, become ill or suffered kidney damage in the time leading up to the recall and in the days since? The answer to that hasn't changed since the day the recall was issued: We don't know.

Whiskers would still be alive IF those ________ at Menu Foods had recalled the poisoned food sooner. Why did it take so long? Why did Whiskers have to die? And WHY doesn't the LAW punish the people responsible for killing our pets?

Read the rest of the post by Christie Keith here.

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