

Oh what a wonderful Sunday we had here on the farm.
I think all of your good wishes for (One Eyed) Myrtle helped.
She went into labor late Sunday morning
and with the help of Dr. Becky, in a few hours we had triplets.

I video'd each birth so that I could share it with you.

First's a boy!!

Second's a boy!!

Third it another boy??
No.....a girl!!

Myrtle spent the rest of the day cleaning her babies.
The babies spent the day learning to nurse and resting up
from their journey.

Very soon the activity and the antics will begin.
Stay tuned!!

Great job, Myrtle!!

- The Week Keeps Getting Better!!
Well, the week started out pretty darn special.Wonderfully sweet donkey girls....followed by newborn goats....triplets! And now... Sally gave birth to her single baby.... a big, bouncing baby buckling.... He's red and white with what looks like...

- Just Us Kids
Myrtle and babies are doing just great. Still pretty tired from their journey... Getting more curious.... Even a little more independent.... Oh so lovable and cuddly! The babies are spending these first few days in the maternity ward.The temperatures...

- The Dating Game
It is mating season here on the farm. The other morning, Becky and I did a bit of rearranging and paired up bucks and does for mating. None of the does wanted to leave their pen, so we had to move everyone together and then remove the ones who were not...

- Happy News
Missy is pregnant with twins!! This is especially good news for the farm. About a month ago we did pregnancy checks on the three female goats that were bred this Fall. Myrtle and Jill both had babies on board, but we could find no evidence of fetuses...

- More New Baby Goats!!!
Today was an extremely busy day in the Bee Haven Acres Nursery. Missy gave birth to a tiny blue-eyed,tri-color buckling. He is just the handsomest!!Here is Becky with Missy's new buckling...treating his cord with betadine...And Myrtle gave birth to...

