The Week Keeps Getting Better!!

The Week Keeps Getting Better!!

Well, the week started out pretty darn special.
Wonderfully sweet donkey girls....
followed by newborn goats....triplets!

And now...

Sally gave birth to her single baby....

a big, bouncing baby buckling....

He's red and white with what looks like a touch of black
just for show.

He has blue eyes (all of our babies have had blue eyes so far.)

Sally had quite a difficult birth.
Thankfully Dr. Becky assisted her.
Her overly large buckling tried to be born with a single leg emerging first.
Dry Becky had to push him back in and get ahold of a second leg to assist his birth.
Poor was rough for her.

Both Sally and baby are doing well.
Sally is sleeping quite a bit...
resting up from that awful ordeal.

Sissy and her three kids are doing great!
Here is a little video from the maternity ward....

Don't you just love those little tail waggers??

Here is another....

That was Sissy's firstborn.
And by the way, you might have noticed that her little bottom was black.
That is just the way she is colored....
a black dot on her "bum".

Have a great weekend...
more "kid" tails coming next week!!
I would also love to catch the donkeys' braying on video.
(It's adorable!)
Stay tuned.....

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