Blog Talk Radio Takes On Homeschooling

Blog Talk Radio Takes On Homeschooling

Host Channel : Motherhood Uncensored will be doing a segment December 5th on School Your Children Well

segment description
We're talking about tot yoga, college-prep preschool, homeschooling v public school... Featuring Alex Elliot, PhatMommy and Pundit Mom.

Pundit Mom will be speaking in favor of private schooling. I suspect that most of the listeners will not be in favor of homeschooling.

The program starts at 10PM Eastern Time but the homeschool section doesn't start till around 10:30. Phat Mommy is asking homeschoolers to help in two ways.

Please link to this page. Second, I would love it if you would call in (646) 915-8634 between 10:30 and 11 pm ET Tuesday night and support me by posing thoughtful questions to PunditMom. Thanks for your support.

I think Phat Mommy is very brave to go on talk radio to support homeschooling; so lets all do our part to support her.

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