Day in the life of a 13-year-old (Homeschooled) college freshman

Day in the life of a 13-year-old (Homeschooled) college freshman

Homeschooling Allows A Child to Be Themselves & Provides Them With Parental Support

Many of the posters on the Dr. Phil Board believed that homeschoolers would be unable to get into college, unable to cope with college life and unable to ever hold a job. This is a shining example of how homeschooing can benefit a gifted student, who would be bored in the traditional public school setting.

She said she preferred her own teaching to the education Jonathan received in school."I have home-schooled Jonathan twice in the past because I actually like the way I am able to see him progress," she said. She said she knew when Jonathan was younger that he was smart because he would score the highest score on national exams in school despite never doing his homework for classes."It has been a long, hard struggle between me and schools, and that's why ultimately I had to home-school him and he did very well," she said. "That's why he would always score very well on the SATs. All I did for Jonathan is I allowed him to be who he is, and I have supported him."

I think she summed up the goal of homeschooling very well to allow our children to be who they are and to give them our support.

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