Bone Chilling

Bone Chilling

It may look absolutely beautiful outside right now...

but like most of the central and eastern portions of the country,
it is brutally cold.
Bone chilling cold.

The kind of cold that blows right through your gear and pierces you with icicles!

Off we go...out to the barn to feed more hay.

And look who's following us in his thick winter coat...
Bobby...who just can't decide if he likes the heat lamp in the garage or one in the barn.
(He switches around from day to day.)

Amazingly, as long as the equines are eating...
they don't seem to mind the cold.

And so....
they eat....

and eat....
Daphne looks like a balloon.

And Chloe....that face....that adorable, huggable, kissable face!

We've been trying to keep the birds inside...keeping their gates closed,
so that they cannot get out to free range.
Heat lamps in their houses help to ward off frost-bite.

Sam's been very lazy lately...
opting for rides in the gator rather than running like he used to.
We were worried that perhaps he wasn't feeling well...
so Dr. Becky sent some blood for studies.
Everything came back ok.

Looks like Sammie has just opted for taking life easy!

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