Book Review

Book Review

Knights of the Black and White

by Jack Whyte

(A Templar Novel)

The story opens in 1088 with Sir Hugh de Payens joining "The Order" a secret religious society his family has been a part of for years. Their lore says that hidden documents in Jerusalem can validate their claims, and plans are put in motion to get members of "The Order" to Jerusalem.
Christendom (Europe) is over run with knights who need something to do so the Pope orders a war against the infidels in the Holy Land. Eventually Jerusalem falls to the Christians, and a Christian Kingdom is put in place.
In order to have access to the Temple of Solomon the knights of "The Order" offer their services as soldiers to The Patriarch, and become the Poor Fellow Soldiers of Jesus Christ, sworn to protect pilgrims to the Holy Land.
Eventually they find the treasure they are looking for..........................

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