Bora ~ Bora on Scylla Sunday

Bora ~ Bora on Scylla Sunday

Me and Arty got together and talked about how our friend Gracie was so worried that her friends would forget her. Well we couldn't have that, so we tried to come up with a plan to reassure her, and well we packed our bags and ....................

went to visit her in Bora Bora.

You don't think Mom will miss us do you? We are having such a good time here with Gracie we decided to stay for the party Gracie is throwing August 4th

I am really hoping Brian and his sisters can come. ~Scylla

- Meet @ The Outback
We got a text from Gracie telling us to meet them at the Outback. Well since I am starving that sounded like a great idea so me and Socks got here and there is no sign of Gracie and Olive. We went ahead and went inside to get a table and enjoy some appetizers...

- @ The Beach
Photo by Gracie with Additions by Socks left to right Socks, Olive, Gracie Background Scylla Hi guys after a brief visit home to check on the Mom we are back in Australia. I do believe that Scylla has had to much to drink, she is rolling around in the...

- Ayres Rock
Photo by Gracie front~l-r: Charlotte, Gracie, Scylla & Socksback~ Karl & Ruis. . . Thank cat for the time difference and the teleporting thing. I was able to teleport home to do my gardening post Thursday and still get back here in time for...

- Australia With Gracie
Photo by Gracie  l-r: Charoltte, Asta, Gracie, Olive, Scylla, Karl & Socks  Watching over us: Angel Momo Well Socks finally got our teleporting machine fixed so we teleported over to Australia. Gracie and her niece Olive had just arrived...

- Scylla Sunday & I Got An Award
I am going to take things easy today and bask in the sun. Brian, do you want to come bask in the sun with me? I'll be waiting. While I wait for Brian to get here I'll tell you about the neat award Savannah, from Savannah's Paw Tracks gave...

