Boys are Silly says Silly Scylla

Boys are Silly says Silly Scylla

(Fenris)Why can't I get to Mommy? What is in the way?

 (Scylla) It is Mommy's new door silly dog.

Boys are very silly, both Socks and Fenris kept running into the doors and bonking their heads when Daddy first put them up. What happened with Socks was he wanted to go out but it was almost dark thirty and he knew the beans wouldn't let him out so he saw what he thought was an open door and ran as fast as he could and BONK. He is still scared of the door and doesn't like going in or out of it.  Fenris just walked right into it. They both finally figured out there is a glass in the door but boy were they silly about it for awhile. Us girls were much smarter about it, I mean we had seen all those BIRD COMMERCIALS with the birds flying into the windows, and there was a door handle. Jeez I guess you have to hit guys in the head to get them to think. ~Scylla

- Fenris Friday
A silly Mommy hung my toy on the door. Now why did she go and do THAT for. Doesn't she know I can get him off the door knob? ~Fenris  This is the LAST day to send in clown pictures so if you want to be in the clown tent don't procrastinate...

- Fenris Friday
I am checking some of the prizes Scylla won from Zee & Zoey's Contest out. This is the  Tiniest Tiger Tote from Triple T Studios, Mom says it is super fashionable. I say it is perfect for carrying my treats, water bottle and assorted other...

- Fenris Friday & Dr. Seuss Day Challenge
I am on the RUG! Daddy doesn't want me on the carpet, he told Mommy if she would get a rug and I would stay on it I could come in the Study. So I am staying on the rug, REALLY I am. We are rhyming challenged here but we love the Dr. Seuss books...

- Thank You River
River gave us some great awards. We love the pink butterfly. We are assuming that this is something similar to Temptations. We are pleased to know we leave you begging for more of our blogging. Oh River, you are the best friend cats could ask for....

- Socks Was Tagged For A Meme
Here are the rules: You have to post who tagged you and link back to them and then to Petspix. Then you have to tag 3 other kitties, beans, woofies, or any other assorted animal. What three things would you do that you have never done before, if you knew...

