Thank you River

Thank you River

River gave us some great awards.
We love the pink butterfly.

We are assuming that this is something similar to Temptations. We are pleased to know we leave you begging for more of our blogging.

Oh River, you are the best friend cats could ask for.

And now we would like to share the love with
  • Angus Mhor
  • Skeeter, LC & Ayla
  • MoMo
as well as all the blogs in our sidebar, Mommy limited us to listing one blog each as she said she has housework to do and Silly Scylla wasted lots of Mommy's time. But we love all of you and we love your blogs.

Ok, we are going to tattle on Scylla real quick cause it's her fault we can't list more blogs. We were all Charybdis got hungry and came meowed to be let in. Mommy let her in and went looking for Socks & Scylla, because it was going to be dark soon. Socks came right away but she saw no sign of Scylla and she is usually the first one in. So Mommy looked and looked, she finally gave up and turned all the porch lights on and came in ............She heard a Scylla meow, she ran to the front door ( No Scylla), she heard another meow, she ran to the back door (No Scylla) she thought she was going crazy and hearing things. Then she looked in youngest boy beans closet and there was Scylla sitting on his box of books.

~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

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