Boys Will Be Boys!

Boys Will Be Boys!

Each and every time I go out to the barn to do chores,
there is always something happening...
something that makes me laugh or smile.
Yesterday morning it was this....

This is Sam and Ollie's favorite game.
And although Sam is always the instigator,
Ollie is always happy to play along.
Sam nibbles on Ollie until he chases him...
that is what Sam wanted all along...
to be chased!
Boys will be boys.

And then later in the afternoon when I fed the goats,

I was met with this scene....

This one doesn't make me laugh,
but I am used to this behavior.

It is soon mating season, and so the bucks are gearing up
with shows of their manly prowess.
Eventually they work it out, and peace is once again restored.
But usually not until someone has a bloody head.
This time it is Chip.
Both of the other two are his sons.
 Yes, boys will be boys!

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