

March 9th, 2007
Monday I took Whiskers the Supreme Ruler of the Universe to the Veterinarian's for his annual shots. He seemed to be OK other then a slightly snotty nose. Monday evening I could tell he didn't feel good but I assumed it was because of "the shots". By Tuesday night it was obvious he was very sick. We took him back to the Veterinarian's Wed. morning and they kept him overnight and treated him for an upper respiratory infection. We brought him home Thursday, but he was miserable Thursday night and acting odd. He wouldn't eat or drink anything. He pawed at his water and splashed it all over and he kept getting in the bath tub. We took him back to the Veterinarian's and she did a test for kidney function. She discovered he was in the early stages of kidney failure.

- Charybdis
I am home!!!! My tail looks really funny (some of my hair is missing) and I don't feel very good. I have been laying in Mommy's lap sleeping since I got home. I want to play but I don't feel like it. I picked up my ball and Mousie but I am...

- More Ocean Springs Pets Victims Of Menu Foods
Whiskers died March 9th, 2007 of kidney failure. He ate Special Kitty Pouch Cat Food that was on the recall list. In today's paper I read where another local pet fell victim to Menu Foods negligence. Sami's vet, Dr. Lisa Wilkerson of Big Ridge...

- More Info On The Pet Food Recall
Whiskers died March 9th, 2007 of kidney failure after eating Special Kitty Pouch cat food. From CBS News An unknown number of cats and dogs had suffered kidney failure and about 10 died after eating the affected pet food, veterinarian and CBS News correspondent...

- Special Kitty Pouch Cat-food Killed Whiskers
Many of you who read my blog regularly know we recently lost out beloved cat Whiskers to kidney failure. Today I read in the paper that the Special Kitty Pouch Cat-food that he regularly ate was being recalled because it caused kidney failure in an unknown...

- Odds & Ends
The Big Kahuna says Secret negotiations costly to taxpayers. Henry blogs about the New Jersey Mom who had penal charges brought against her for homeschooling; even though she was following the law at Why Homeschool. At the Cafe Natalie post about a strange...

