Building An Ark

Building An Ark

And so the rain continues.
Just when the sky lightens, and it looks promising,
I run outside to continue weeding.
Then all of a sudden
another downpour occurs...
sending me scrambling for shelter.

The chickens, goats, and horses are all staying under cover.
I am thinking it might be time to consider plans for an Ark!

My planting is almost finished, luckily.
Now I worry that my little plants will drown in this prolonged rain.

One of the things about above-ground gardening is
that the garden boxes drain super well.
So, I am keeping my fingers crossed.

The spinach and lettuce in my salad table is almost big
enough to start harvesting.

The plants in my red potato box have doubled in size
in the past two days.  Heaven only knows what is happening beneath the surface!

This is what Minerva looked like by the end of last summer.
Now she looks very sad...faded and drenched.
Needless to say, she will be getting a new outfit, a new hairdo, and a new hat
in the next week or so.

And because it is raining so hard, and I cannot get pictures of the baby goats,
I will share a video I took last summer when Fred and Sally were
the "new kids on the block"!

I will leave you with just a little cuteness to brighten up your day.
Here is Tyler at the end of last summer....

and now....

Oh, what fun we'll have this summer.
All we need is a sunny day!

If it is sunny and dry where you are....
I will send you a little rain.
Would you send me a little sun?

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