A Bad Hair Day

A Bad Hair Day

Yesterday evening was crazy busy...bringing in the hay before more rain came. We were able to harvest another 200 bales of beautiful grass hay from our field. The weather has been so rainy this summer, that making hay has been "touch and go". The hay that we harvested is still a bit heavy, but with adequate spacing and fans throughout the barn, we should be able to finish drying it inside. We had the same dilemma earlier this summer and were able to finish drying our beautiful hay indoors....just not enough dry sunny days in a row this year!

This morning we awoke to a grey, rainy day. The Littles were able to go out to graze for a couple of hours before a storm and torrential downpour hit...Then, back to their stall to munch on some of that luscious hay we just harvested.
What struck us particularly funny this morning was one of our "Phyllis" chickens (we have five of this type and they all look the same, so they all share the name "Phyllis"). On a good day, Phyllis looks like this....
However, because of the rain, Phyllis looked like this today....
I think she should have stayed in bed!! Oh well, nothing a blow-dryer can't fix.

- Rain Dance
With gardens that needed watering,I geared up (yesterday) for what was to be a rainy day.You might remember that I planned to use the rainy day as a day in my garden...weeding. However, the day proved sunny, hot and humid. I did my level best throughout...

- Please Send Rain!
We awoke yesterday (July 4th) to evidence that it had rained during the night. It has been incredibly hot and dry here for the past month,so any little bit of rain is a help! Our 4th of July was a stay-at-home day.We took delivery of 175 bales of beautiful...

- Hay There! It's Berry Pickin' Time!
We have had a wonderful mix of sun and rain this spring.I'm not complaining, because it makes for perfect gardens.However....it really messes with bringing in the hay. We need 4 days (at least of warm weather, slight breeze and no rain to make hay.Friday...

- It's Official
Well, I just got back in the house from doing the afternoon feed...and I have to report that this Phyllis chicken is officially a Phillip!! I was close enough to their yard when I heard the unusual crowing....just one "dooo" short of a "cock-a-doodle"....

- Chicken Mystery
Every morning, and pretty near all day long, you can hear Handsome Hank crowing his beautiful fully developed "Cock a Doodle Dooooooo". But, lately, there has been another sound coming from the fancy chicken pen. It sounds as though another rooster may...

