Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever

The mercury is on the rise.

Even though it is still below freezing, compared to a couple of days ago...
it feels like a heat wave!!

Everyone is enjoying the sun.
O'Malley and her son, Donald, were basking beneath the hay feeder...

It's always good to have a snack bar where you are sunbathing!

The chickens are out for a snack... a tray of kitchen scraps.

And Sammy is enjoying a chicken poop snack...
frozen poopcicles.

Last winter I modified the doors to our chicken coops...
so that there was just a tiny door at the bottom for the chickens.
This, paired with a heat lamp keeps the chicken houses toasty warm.

As for the new waterers...I'm sold!
The chickens had no difficulty switching over to this style,
and the water stays crystal clean.

Down at the duck pond, the ducks were also basking in the sun.

The sunlight put a smile on Jill's face...

but then, Jill always has a smile on her face thanks to her underbite!

While all of the other animals were out enjoying the afternoon,
the pigs were.....

sound asleep beneath their heat lamp!

Sammy went in to awaken them...

And shortly thereafter, Ginger followed him out the door...

with MaryAnn on her heels.

I was filling their water bucket, so MaryAnn came over...

asking for a drink.

She'd be quite happy if we'd install a water fountain for her!

Mmmmm, mmmmm...good to the last drop!

It doesn't take much to make these girls happy!

As for the weather (because we just cannot get enough talk about the weather!) is supposed to continue with a warming trend.
40's this weekend.
Goodbye January...not sad to see you go.

(Chicken Florentine soup's on the stove, chewy Italian rolls 'r in the oven.)
PS:  I don't thank you enough for your wonderful comments. 
 Every day it feels like old friends stop for a visit.  
I truly look forward to our chats!

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