Week's End Wrap-Up

Week's End Wrap-Up

We've had a week of sub-freezing and single digit temperatures.

I've looked like this more than not... lovely warm.

It feels like a week of treading water.
Unfortunately, that water is frozen!
We've had frozen faucets in the barn several times this week
(and that's with a heat lamp hanging over the faucets)

I'm not complaining...because as you know,
my motto is to take whatever comes and be grateful.

So....Thank You, Mother Nature for this frigid weather.
I am sure it will serve a good purpose...
like perhaps decrease the amount of insects we deal with this coming summer.
See?  There is always a silver lining in just about any situation.

I am trying really hard to be a force of positive energy for this world.
To me, that means not only "no complaining", 
but also to change the way I actually feel about situations...
and to look for the positive essence that lives beneath the surface.
It may take a little digging, but it is always there, I am sure!

The best part of this past week is the fact that all of our animals are doing great...
even with the bitter cold!


Jill (my mentor) is still smiling!

Yesterday afternoon, Dot bargained extra hard for room service....

As did Spider...

"What?" he said, "You mean I have to come out of my house for dinner?"

Ginger and MaryAnn only venture out for potty trips, and to chat
with the occasional visitor.

"Can I have thith pretty green thing, Thammy?" Ginger whispered.
I bet you didn't know that pigs talk like that!

Sammy is amazingly patient and tolerant.

Yesterday afternoon, as I was doing farm chores,
Dr. Becky was walking her horses back to the barn from the pastures.

Three very large horses in hand...
what a brave soul she is!

Old Duffy, Ava and Sid were all well behaved, thankfully!
A lead rope with the chain across the nose is a great help.

Have a magnificent weekend!!
We'll be back Monday with more Tails from the Farm.

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