Carnival of Homeschooling Tax Edition

Carnival of Homeschooling Tax Edition

The Carnival of Homeschooling hosted by Why Homeschool is up. Be sure to check out this delightful post by How This Public School Teacher Views Homeschooling
To sum up, we need choice. In my estimation, parents must be seen as
the primary decision makers for their children’s welfare and must be given the
right to educate their children as they see fit.

- Alasandra's Homeschool Blog: Carnival Of Homeschooling ~ The Dog & Cat Edition
We helped Mommy with the Carnival of Homeschooling come by and check out what a pawsome job we did Alasandra's Homeschool Blog: Carnival of Homeschooling ~ The Dog & Cat Edition ...

- Homeschooling Allows Children To Soar Above The Clouds
Unschooling the Public in 25 Words or Less from Cocking a Snook. FLY, STUDENTS, FLY by Daryl over at HE&OS. And my humble rant.............................. I am sick and tired of hearing how public school kids have all this wonderful freedom (which obviously...

- Not The Only Homeschooler Who Is Tired Of Being Lumped In With The Fundies
Read Walking with dinosaurs, and eating salad with them too And here we go again. Homeschooling must be a form of indoctrination, and its primary purpose must be to make our children in our own images. Homeschooling parents work diligently to protect...

- Homeschooling In Mississippi
I have really loved homeschooling in Mississippi. It has been a wonderful experience for my family. But what do other people think about homeschooling in Mississippi? Natalie at the Homeschool Cafe ask How do Mississippi public school superintendents...

- Things To Ponder
Would You Let Them Scan Your Child? One family said NO, but their child was still scanned. Still, a substitute teacher's mistake proved just how vulnerable children who opt out can be. "They rounded up all the kids in our son's class and they...

