Things to Ponder

Things to Ponder

Would You Let Them Scan Your Child?

One family said NO, but their child was still scanned.
Still, a substitute teacher's mistake proved just how vulnerable children who opt out can be. "They rounded up all the kids in our son's class and they rescanned them all, including our son," Chris explained. "He was trying to tell the lady 'No, I'm not allowed to scan,' and she hushed him. Privacy experts fear that ultimately, schools will require children to scan. Lillie Coney of the Electronic Privacy Information Center said, "Your ability to say or to provide information upon demand, or to decide not to provide information upon demand is going to diminish a great deal."
Coney and others warn that fingerprint scanners condition children to accept tracking as a part of everyday life, which could lead to a loss of our everyday freedoms. "If you train children to think 'You have to give a fingerprint,' later on they'll give a dna sample, an iris scan--anything you ask them for," said Consumer Privacy Expert Katherine Albrecht.

Do Unto Others
PunditMom ask that Homeschoolers respect her decision to send her child to a private school. I really hope that all the homeschoolers that call in will. If we want people to respect our right to homeschool we need to respect their right to make the best educational choice for their child, regardless if they choose public school, private school or homeschooling.

At first I was shocked that any homeschool parent would presume to tell another parent how to raise their child, but some of the fundamentalist christian parents on the Dr. Phil Board seemed to have a mantra.

Honestly I could see why some people were turned off homeschooling. For me homeschooling is an educational choice, not a religious calling. I respect and support parents that choose to send their children to public schools or private schools. I trust they will make the right choice for their child. So homeschoolers please do remember to be tolerant of others choices and beliefs if you choose to call in to School Your Child Well.

Also I would ask that my fellow homeschoolers be tolerant and respectful of the different methods of homeschooling. Unschooling is a valid homeschooling method. There were a few posters on the Dr. Phil Board that had the attitude that their way of homeschooling was the only correct way to homeschool. Attitudes like these help no one, and harm everyone.

So remember do unto others as you would have them do unto you. In other words if you want the choices you make for your children to be respected and supported then you need to respect and support the choices other parents make for their children even if those choices differ from yours.

- Kestrel9000 Attacks Homeschooling At Daily Kos
First off I am going to take umbrage at the title of the post, Revisionist History: The Christian Right and the Miseducation Of Our Children. Shining Celebi and Lord Epa are mine and The Big Kahuna's kids they do not belong to anyone else. The idea...

- Parental Involvement
Unless the parent or adult who is responsible for the welfare of that child promotes and encourages the thoughts and ideas generated by the teacher, very little can be accomplished. Parents — and not the school system, churches or the community —...

- Homeschooling In Mississippi
I have really loved homeschooling in Mississippi. It has been a wonderful experience for my family. But what do other people think about homeschooling in Mississippi? Natalie at the Homeschool Cafe ask How do Mississippi public school superintendents...

- Do Homeschool Parents Suffer From Discordance?
Greg had this to say about homeschoolers and why our kids are "different" The choice to home school is very often an indicator of some kind of discordance or mismatch between the way parents perceive the world their children would enter in regular school...

- Educational News
Homeschoolers are a very diverse group contrary to what some people think. For the Native American Homeschoolers amongst us The Native American Homeschool Association and Native American Homeschoolers are two groups you may want to check out. *********************************************************************************...

