Carrots For Everyone

Carrots For Everyone

We've had snow on the ground ever since the first of the year.
And today we are getting even more...with ice...and freezing rain.

But, even in the midst of all this wintery precipitation,
there's a change in the air.

Now, when the sun does shine, there is a warmth to its rays.
The days are getting longer.
We are heading out of winter.

We still have cold weeks ahead of us,
but there is a promise in the warmth of the sun that is undeniable.

Yesterday afternoon was full of fun and surprises as I made my way around
tending to all of the animals.
I had stuffed my pockets full of carrots...
treats for my friends who have been cooped up for way too long.

The pigs rarely emerge from their warm nest of hay these days.
It takes something tasty, like a carrot, to bring them out into the cold!

My horses seem to have ESP when it comes to carrots.
As you can see, Moonbeam wasn't about to go un-noticed as the pigs ate their treat.

"Don't forget our carrots!" they called as I headed to the barn.

I was greeted by noses of all sizes pushing through the fence in search of yummies.

"I jutht love carrotths!" said Moonbeam as his lips parted and tongue came out to claim his prize.

The donkeys were much daintier and lady-like about their treats...
gently taking each carrot piece with their soft lips.

Three dogs waited patiently outside the fence,
hoping that treats were in their future as well.

I had quite a surprise awaiting me when I went to the henhouses to gather eggs.
All of the hens were outside one of the houses...
standing in a cluster outside the door...
obviously un-nerved.

I went into the henhouse to see what had them in a panic and this is what I found...

Yes, another possum.
Who can resist a warm house with plenty of food?
Obviously this fellow was in heaven and not please with my disturbing him.
What happened next, though, was quite a surprise.

Seeing me, he ran out of the house...
straight into Annie...
who picked him up and gave him a good shake.

That quickly, there he was... dead on the ground.
I felt a little sorry for the little fellow, but was also glad he would not be back to bother the hens.
So, I scooped him up with a manure fork and sent his remains sailing into the woods...
only to then see him get up on his feet, shake himself off, and scamper into the woods.

Now you know why they are known for "playing possum"!

He'll be back!

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