Gray Days

Gray Days

Yesterday morning as the sun rose there was a brief promise of sun...
the orange horizon setting the stage for a day predicted to melt what was left of the snow.

It wasn't long, however, 'til a thick cloud bank filled the sky
and all hopes for sunshine were put away for another day.

It stayed gray and gloomy from that point on...
making for a good day for indoor work.
I never mind a gray day... in fact, I look forward to them and the peace and quiet they bring.

As predicted, the warmth melted what was left of last week's snow.
And with the melting of the snow came the emergence of Ginger and MaryAnn.

As I approached the pig yard, these two jolly gals came out of their house,
running towards the far end of the pigpen...happy to see me.

It seemed that after days inside munching hay these girls deserved a treat.
I told the girls to wait, I'd be right back...
as I ran back to the house and grabbed a couple carrots.
They must have anticipated a treat, because they patiently waited at the fence for my return.

Their patience was rewarded!

Yummy!  Carrots!!

Chomp, chomp, chomp...

They ate their wonderful treat with typical piggy manners...

Maybe I should remind her not to run with carrots in her mouth!

As the moon hangs on the horizon, right before dawn... the horses are eating their breakfast... as are the donkeys... The turkeys gaze upon the peace of the blue hour from their toasty house... and I hear the weather man on the radio in the barn talking...

- Carrots For Everyone
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- Today
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