Carter Spreads Message of Religious Tolerance and Compassion

Carter Spreads Message of Religious Tolerance and Compassion

In Southern Baptist Splitsville? Craig Ziemba denounced former President Carter for his message of religious tolerance and compassion.

Here is my response.

Don’t Criticize and then you won’t be criticized? For others will treat you as you treat them. And why worry about a speck in the eye of a brother when you have a board in your own? Should you say, ‘Friend let me help you get that speck out of your eye,’ when you can’t even see because of the board in your own? Hypocrite! First get rid of the board. Then you can see to help your brother. Matthew 7:1-5 (The Living Bible)

Apparently when Ziemba was reading his Bible he skipped over that passage, as he was full of criticism for Carter’s message of tolerance in his column Southern Baptist Splitsville?

For too long religious bigotry has permeated our nation. Too many religious zealots have forgotten Jesus’ numerous examples of compassion and tolerance. They are far more interested in pointing out their brother’s sins and punishing him then they are in examining their own conscious. They are also determined to gain control of the government in order to end freedom of religion, as they are threatened by others religious beliefs and determine that everyone will believe the same as they do. Thus the message of religious tolerance, compassion for those less fortunate and our duty to protect the environment God entrusted to us must be denounced as a political ploy, moral relativism, or liberalism, even though there are numerous scriptures that deal with these very issues.

Carter's humility and his love for mankind show through in the pages of his book, Our Endangered Values – America’s Moral Crisis, I encourage everyone to read it and form their own opinions instead of letting others tell them what to believe.

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