Follow Up To Hell In The Classroom

Follow Up To Hell In The Classroom

Many of my readers will remember my post in November about Matthew LaClair, who was told he was going to hell by his Christian teacher.
Sixteen-year-old junior Matthew LaClair says he was shocked when history teacher David Paszkiewicz, who is also a Baptist preacher in town, spent the first week lecturing students more about Heaven and Hell than the colonies and Constitution. He said Paszkiewicz told students that if they didn't accept Jesus, "you belong in Hell." He also dismissed as unscientific the theories of evolution and the "Big Bang.".
Why Homeschool has a follow up post on the story.

Where do these people come from
Greice Coelho, who took Mr. Paszkiewicz’s class and is a member of his youth group, said in a letter to The Observer, the local weekly newspaper, that Matthew was “ignoring the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, which gives every citizen the freedom of religion.” Some anonymous posters on the town’s electronic bulletin board,, called for Matthew’s suspension.

While every citizen is free to pursue the religion of their choice, they aren't free to force their views on other people, especially a captive audience of public school students.
The class started on Sept. 11, and Matthew quickly grew concerned. “The first couple of days I had him, he had already begun discussing his religious point of view,” Matthew, a thin, articulate 16-year-old with braces and a passion for politics and the theater, recalled in an interview. “It wasn’t even just his point of view, it went beyond that to say this is the right way, this is the only way. The way he said it, I wasn’t sure how far he was going to go.”
In other words this public school teacher was showing an appalling lack of tolerance for others religious beliefs.
Bloggers around the world have called Matthew courageous. In contrast, the LaClairs said they had been surprised by the vehemence of the opposition that local residents had expressed against Matthew.
I am impressed that someone so young had the guts to not only stand up for himself but for future students who may get stuck with this intolerant teacher.

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