Cat Gossip

Cat Gossip

We got some new toys. Socks got a possum. Mommy couldn't get a picture of him playing with it. Mommy says Socks has an uncanny ability to know when her camera is out of batteries, cause he does the cutest things then and by the time she has put new batteries in the camera he is gone. We think this is very naughty of him.

Scylla got a green ball, here she is giving it the bity. She likes biting the ball a lot.

Charybdis got a brown ball. It makes a nice rattling noise when you shake it.

Scylla & Socks are taking a break from helping Daddy with the greenhouse.

And here is the greenhouse. Daddy has gotten a little more done. Mommy is afraid he is going to try to give it to her for a birthday present since it wasn't finished for Christmas. We don't think she has anything to worry about. Her birthday is Saturday and we don't think he will be done by then. Do you?

- Fenris Friday
Daddy is playing ball with us. Tuiren prefers to sit by Mommy and watch the action. I am showing off my best moves since Mommy has the camera out. I snatch the ball right out of the air. I will also go find the ball when they tell me too. That young whipper...

- Fenris Friday
 I am enjoying the sunshines. We have been having some very nice weather.  Mommy is playing ball with me. We wishes we had someone else to take the picture so Mommy could get a shot of me leaping up into the air to catch the ball. Mommy says...

- Peeps On Parade
Sarge ask us to tell something about our peeps so I talked Mommy into helping me with a post. Since I have a picture of me with Dad I'll start with him. Dad is an engineer and he works on Aegis Cruisers. He and Mom were both born in Meridian, MS ...

- Scylla Cubed
Thanks Cats of Wildcat Woods, we are all having lots of fun playing with the cube and the treats were yummy to our tummies. I saw the postman bring the package, but Mommy made us wait for Socks to open it. Mommy attached the new cube to our old one. This...

- Product Review ~ Cat Quest
Us cats are very excited we were asked to do a product review. A  box came in the mail for us and you all know how much we loves boxes, but this box was the best yet cause it had a toy inside of it. The toy is called a Cat Quest. The company that...

