Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

 I am enjoying the sunshines. We have been having some very nice weather.

 Mommy is playing ball with me. We wishes we had someone else to take the picture so Mommy could get a shot of me leaping up into the air to catch the ball. Mommy says I would make a pawsome baseball player as I leaps into the air and snatches the ball right out of the sky. Mommy isn't coordinated enough to throw the ball and get the shot.

Mom, it's time to throw the ball again and stop messing around with the camera.  ~Fenris

- Fenris Friday
I am trying to get Yin and Yang to play ball with me. They don't seem to understand how to play ball. I finally got Mommy to throw the ball, so I could retrieve it. I tried to bring it to Yin and Yang, but they wanted to play hide n seek. So me and...

- Fenris Friday
Daddy is playing ball with us. Tuiren prefers to sit by Mommy and watch the action. I am showing off my best moves since Mommy has the camera out. I snatch the ball right out of the air. I will also go find the ball when they tell me too. That young whipper...

- Fenris Friday
I has a nice view of the Hummingbird Cottage from my yard. I try to keep an eye on it for Mom. The Dad wants to play fetch with me. He doesn't give me treats for the ball like Mom does. Not sure I want to give him the ball if I don't get treats...

- Fenris Friday
 Woof, Woof, glad you could drop by for a visit.  We has lavendar, pink, purplish-pink and white Foxgloves. The Mom just loves them.  We saw a Hummingbird enjoying the Trumpet Honeysuckle. The Mom wasn't fast enough to get a picture....

- Tails On Thursday
I love to play soccer. This is how we play. Mommy/Daddy/Youngest Boy Bean kick the ball and we chase it. If they get there first they kick it again. If I get there first I guard the ball and try to prevent them from getting it. Mommy says I am a very...

