Celebrating The Day

Celebrating The Day

With our four wheeler packed...quilt and wine bag strapped to the front...we set off to the western most edge of our land. (Oh yes, that is a box of pizza that you see under the quilt.) Through the wooded trails we rode... until we reached a hay field with the most beautiful view of the neighboring hills. There we spread our quilt, broke open a bottle of Champagne and toasted the sunset...for no other reason than the fact that we are so happy to finally be where we belong...totally immersed in country life.

- Frosty Days
It seems that Autumn has packed his bags and moved onward...a bit premature for my liking! Ole Man Winter was only too happy to move himself right into Autumn's place.And he's warned us that he is setting up camp for an extended period of time...unlike...

- Romeo Roy Boy
Roy Boy, our newest rooster, has come of age.He has, like every other adolescent boy.... discovered girls! You might remember that Roy Boy was surprise roosteramongst our chicks that we started this summer. Roy Boy was moved to the barn when his hen-mates...

- Swimming Holes And Doughnut Holes
On one of the last warm days that we had here on the farm,I caught Oakley in his favorite "cool down" spot.Rejecting our pond, he prefers a much smaller "swimming" hole... Actually, Oakley (part Lab....go figure)  doesn't swim...ever. He prefers...

- Sunset...
We have tried to create special places to visit around the farm. One of this year's new additions is the sunset bench. Located on the northwest corner of our land, we placed a bench at the edge of the woods, cleared a path to it and lined it with...

- Ava's Excellent Adventure
Ava, Fagner, Duffy This morning was like most. The sun was nearly up. The mist hung above the trees. A neighboring rooster was crowing and the local birds were beginning their morning choir practice. I was feeding Moonbeam and the pony (who stay in the...

