We are so embarrassed

We are so embarrassed

We thought our blog looked nice. Well it did on our computer that is a zillion years old and the laptop. But Mommy was working on Daddy's blog and she was using the youngest boy bean's computer that is brand spanking new and has a wide screen and we saw our blog and.......................BLUSHING all we can say is we made Mommy fix it right away. It still isn't the way we want it exactly and Mommy losted the picture of Whiskers & Charybdis we had in the corner. We couldn't figure out how to put it back so it is at the bottom of our post now. We will try to get her to work on it some more when she has time. We hopes you like the changes and if you has a wide-screen monitor we apologize for taking so long to figure out our blog didn't look the same on all computers.

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