Chicken Poo and Tyler, Too!

Chicken Poo and Tyler, Too!

And so the rains continue...
and at the most inconvenient times.
right at feeding time.

Henri can't remember the last time he had dry feathers for an entire day.
And with his wet head-dress, we can finally see that Henri does indeed have eyes!

And Fifi and the gals have taken to hanging out in the barn,
causing all manner of mischief.
I find trash cans toppled over,
and egg cartons scattered about,
not to mention the calling cards they leave behind....
little plops of chicken poo in areas they don't belong.

Rather than walk back to their henhouse in the rain,
where their nice little nesting boxes await,
they have been laying eggs in the feed room,
on top of the horses' hay.

"Did someone say chicken poo?"....
Yes, Sammy seeks out any sort of smelly organic matter for a snack,
and chicken poo fits the bill.

As for construction....
the equipment has not moved yet this week.

The good news is... next week is to be sunny and cool,
so, maybe there will be some activity on the arena.

I left the farm yesterday to visit Tyler and his Mommy in their new apartment.
We played,

and read, 

and went to the park... fun!
Tyler had his first big boy haircut!

Next week he will visit Grammie on the farm...
and we will have lots of great adventures to share with you!

Have a wonderful weekend!
I hear we are finally to see the end of the rain.
So, I might be sending it along to your house!!

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