A Visit From Tyler

A Visit From Tyler

Finally, with everyone healthy again,
Tyler was able to come for a visit this weekend.

He spent the afternoon with us on Saturday,
and we filled every moment with activity.

He rode on the gator (his favorite!) with Grampie...

visited with Ginger and MaryAnn...

helped to feed the donkeys....


and took feed...

out to Ginger and MaryAnn.

I don't think it's ever too soon to teach children to love and care for animals.
I hope with all of the time he spends with them,
that he develops an affection for animals that lasts his lifetime.

Grammie (attempted to) gave Tyler a haircut (oh my, don't ask)
followed by a tubby,
followed by a cookie and a book...

This is such a fun age.
His verbal skills improve every time I see him.
Finally, after 2 1/2 half years, we can hold a conversation!

We are preparing for a very very cold week here on the farm.
Everyone will get extra portions of hay this week.
Luckily, we still have a barn full of hay!

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