Coin - Photo Hunt

Coin - Photo Hunt

 Coin - to invent a new word or expression, or to use one in a particular way for the first time: 

We often wonder who coined the names of our flowers. We call the pretty pink flower Bee Balm, but it has a bunch of other names too;  Beebalm, Bergamot, Firecracker Plant, Horsemint, Mountain Mint, Oswego Tea, we often wonder who came up with these names and why our Mommy knows them by one name while your Mommy may know them by another name.

This is called Milkweed and Butterfly Weed and there are a lot of different varieties. This is White Swamp Weed.
We are hoping to get more of the native varieties. ~ATCAD

- Thursday In The Garden (from The Phone)
Stokes Aster, it is doing really good this year. Desert Rose. Our white cactus is fixing to bloom. Swamp Milkweek Red Thread and we don't know the name of the yellow stuff. We are so pleased with how well the Swamp Milkweed is doing. The cacti...

- Thursday In The Garden With Socks
The Lantana The Plumeria, Ornamental Peppers and Firecracker Cuphea. Mommy grew the Ornamental Peppers from seed, we are astounded by how well they are doing and the Cuphea broke off from the one she planted at the Hummingbird Cottage so she rooted it....

- Scylla Sunday (flashback) & What Mommy Got At The Herb & Garden Fest Saturday
I loves to sleep in Mommy's flowerbeds. The flowerpots are pretty comfy too. Except when Mommy waters them. I am looking forward to the butterflies returning, they should be here soon. We have seen a few of the small yellow ones already. I loves...

- Butterfly Weed
Butterfly Weed An extremely hardy, long-lived perennial native to North America. The flowers produce a large quantity of nectar which attracts butterflies throughout the growing season. Blooming period: June-September Produces a very deep taproot making...

- Thursday Thirteen ~ Azaleas
Thirteen things about AzaleasAzaleas are called "the royalty of the garden". Azaleas are in the genus Rhododendron, with evergreen azaleas in the subgenus Tsutsusi and deciduous azaleas in the subgenus Pentanthera.Azaleas are either species or hybrids....

