Scylla Sunday (Flashback) & What Mommy Got at the Herb & Garden Fest Saturday

Scylla Sunday (Flashback) & What Mommy Got at the Herb & Garden Fest Saturday

I loves to sleep in Mommy's flowerbeds.

The flowerpots are pretty comfy too.

Except when Mommy waters them.

I am looking forward to the butterflies returning, they should be here soon. We have seen a few of the small yellow ones already.

I loves the Fall Flowers, the Ironweed is a special favorite of mine.

I loves the way they smells.

Mommy wants me to pose for her.

Mommy thinks I looks pretty with the flowers. She went to the Herb and Garden Festival in Ocean Springs yesterday. This is a list of the plants she got, she was very bad cause she said she wasn't going to buy anything.
 ~Scylla, reporting for ATCAD

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