Cold Winter Winds

Cold Winter Winds

It's Autumn in central PA and we are loving the weather. The daytime temps range in the 60's to 70's and the night-time lows are in the 40's to 50's. This is perfect weather for accomplishing all of the outdoor chores that must be completed by winter. In just a few short months the cold winter winds will blow. Hubbs has been stockpiling firewood for use in the wood stoves.
Our builder's teenage son built this woodshed for us to store firewood for immediate use (keeping it dry in inclement weather).
Looking around the farm, it is hard to imagine that winter is just around the corner. Especially when you see things like this.....
I took a little walk around the farm yesterday afternoon with Maddie and Sadie and snapped these pictures of remaining berries in our gardens. A few years ago I had planted ever-bearing strawberries....they produce until the first killing frost. And the raspberries....well, that is just plain unseasonably weird! Maddie loves raspberries and will bite them right off the vines. Unfortunately, she was too fast for me to snap a picture. But here she is right after....
She is 140 pounds of berry-loving, slobbering sweetness!Her sister, Sadie always keeps a watchful eye on us.....I love the change from season to season, but I think that Autumn just might be my favorite!

- Just An Ordinary Day
It seems as though we have skipped over Autumn and gone right to Winter!Temperatures never left the 40's yesterday,and nighttime lows are in the 30's.Brrrrrrrr..... We had a peaceful weekend at home with our animals.Chores, cooking and knitting...

- Did We Put Our Summer Clothes Away Too Soon?
Yesterday had us thinking twice about the decision to put our warm weather clothesaway for the year! With temperatures approaching 70 degrees,the goats were wishing they could take off their thick wooly winter coats. Hang in there, kids...Old Man Winter...

- Welcome Autumn
I know I have said this before...but I have to reiterate.For as horrid as last winter was...this past summer and now autumn have been stellar! Happy Autumn to you!It's here... my very favorite time of crisp and fresh... a season...

- Transition
We rode into the weekend on Summer's coat and muggy weather.Then, a monsoon blew through on Saturday afternoon (horizontal sheets of cat and dog rain with gale force winds)helping Summer on her way;and Autumn made his official...

- November Is Here....winter Is Around The Corner!
The past two weeks brought summer-like temperatures.By the end of last week, however, the windsbrought a harbinger of winter....cold...frost on the few vegetables that remain in our garden.The colder temperatures convinced the treesto shed their remaining...

