Just An Ordinary Day

Just An Ordinary Day

It seems as though we have skipped over Autumn and gone right to Winter!
Temperatures never left the 40's yesterday,
and nighttime lows are in the 30's.

We had a peaceful weekend at home with our animals.
Chores, cooking and knitting were punctuated by occasional showers of sleet.
Where's my beloved Autumn?

I thought I would take you along as I did Sunday afternoon chores....

It's pretty much the same routine every day...
and one of which I never tire.

When I finished afternoon chores,
I stopped at the beehives to fill the feeder with sugar water.
I feed our bees until the weather turns colder.
This helps to extend their honey supply...saving it for use during the coldest winter months.
I did not harvest what I could have this past summer.
If you look at the hive, you might notice that there are 4 boxes on it.
The top box would ordinarily have been harvested for honey.

Leaving this top box on for the bees' winter consumption just may help the bees
make it through another frigid winter.
We still have a little extra honey on our larder shelves from last year...
so, this year the bees get extra.
Hopefully this hive makes it through the winter...
as it is our last living hive.

I will be ordering bees this winter for Spring delivery.
Then all of our hives will be full once more.

- Buzzing Along.....
It has been quite some time since I have talked about our bees.Yes, we still have bees....but, sadly, only one hive at the present time. Over the past two years we have suffered massive losses.Our eight original hives have suffered gravely. Colony collapse...

- Winterizing Hives
We've had a week of unseasonably warm temperatures.An occasional frigid night reminds us, though,that winter is just around the corner.And this reminder means that time is running out forfinishing Autumn's chore list. The last of the extra chores...

- To Bee Or Not To Bee
Whew!  Internet connection problems almost made it so that I would NOT BEE today!!  Sorry so late with the posting.  The bugs are all worked out.  Now on to the REAL bugs!.....Bees, that is Yesterday's temperate weather gave Hubbs...

- Beekeeping Basics
Yesterday was another sunny day with temperatures in the 60's.  The rain held off (I think today may be the day, though). I took advantage of the wonderful weather, donned my bee suit, and headed out to feed the bees. Earlier this week I mixed...

- Baby, Its Hot Outside!
I have come to notice that the bees act as a thermometer. A few weeks ago, I published a picture of how they hang outside their hive on a hot day, cooling themselves. What I have come to notice is that the hotter it is outside, the more bees are on the...

