Colony Collapse

Colony Collapse

Life on the farm has its ups and downs.
With this past few days came a couple downs.

First of all,
I lost my sweet Eileen.

You might remember my gold laced Wyandotte chicken
that we treated for bumblefoot last summer.

She did recover from that and by winter was walking
on both feet without a limp.

Yesterday I found her dead in the chicken house.

She was the sweetest of my chickens.
I gave her a little loving each afternoon as I visited the chickens...
she was always receptive.
I'll miss her.

Sadest of all, however, is the loss of most of my beehives to
Colony Collapse.
We opened up the hives this weekend to get them ready for
summer honey production...

 to find that we have only one living hive.

The bees from all the other hives were gone...
Although we practice organic farming,
our local farmers do not.

Most are dairy farmers who plant corn, soy and hay.
The latest research suggests that Colony Collapse 
is due to a very specific insecticide.

I am just sick about this loss.

We will start all over with new bees, but at a slower pace.
I will not be replacing all 8 hives this year,
but will gradually replace them over the coming years.

And so it is with life on a farm...
you take the bad with the good.
Over all...the good far outweighs the bad.
It is still hard to take some losses, though...
and the bees are one of those tough losses...
and something we all need to be concerned about.

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