Communist Journalist Takes Potshots at Freedom of Speech

Communist Journalist Takes Potshots at Freedom of Speech

In reference to Mike Kelly's piece on mandatory public school uniforms.

The study Effects of Student Uniforms on Attendance, Behavior Problems Substance Abuse, and Academic Achievements Journal article by David L. Brunsma, Kerry A. Rockquemore; The Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 92, 1998 proves that mandatory school uniforms are useless.
Based upon this analysis, the authors were forced to reject the ideas that uniforms improved attendance rates, decreased behavioral problems, decreased drug use, or improved academic achievement. The authors did find that proschool attitudes from students and their peers and good academic preparedness did predict the desired behavior. They saw that wearing uniforms did not lead to improvements in proschool attitudes or increased academic preparation.
The myth that mandatory school uniforms are cheaper then regular clothing that would comply with dress codes in laughable. As a parent that was affected by a stupid mandatory school uniform policy in public schools I can tell you that the uniforms cost more. The mandatory white & navy polo's at the local stores are anywhere from $10-$20 while the same polo in other colors that do not meet the uniform policy sell for $3-$10 dollars, so how is being forced to buy a more expensive polo saving me money?

Also like many parents my children handed their clothing down and received clothing for Christmas from their Grandparents, mandatory school uniforms forced me to go out and buy additional clothing when both my children already had a closet full of clothing that meet the dress code. Exactly how did being forced to buy additional clothing save me money?

Communist and Socialist countries promote uniforms. One of the reasons most often cited for mandatory school uniforms in public schools is as an equalizer to level the playing field between the haves and the have nots. This is a Communist & Socialist philosophy and has no place in American Schools. Public Schools should go back to DRESS CODES, enforce the dress codes and allow parents to spend their money on clothing they like. It's unconscionable that any public school in America would require students to look a certain way in order to get a public school education. And it's appalling that a journalist would be against "freedom of speech", when a student with the support of his parents chose to protest an unfair policy.

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