Say NO to Mandatory Public School Uniforms

Say NO to Mandatory Public School Uniforms

I received this message from Robert Woodruff in my guestbook.

Can you pass along any information on school uniforms? I'm an 8th grade teacher at a school with uniforms, I don't like the policy and I'm trying to find research that supports the students rights to wear what they like. Thank you!

If you visit my blog Stand Up For Kids in Mississippi, you will find some information I have compiled on mandatory school uniforms in public schools. I hope this will help you. Feel free to email again if I can be of any more help, and be sure to check out the APROD site.

- My Response To Mr. Rosemond's Absurd Article
Mr Rosemond, you are extremely off base in your article on uniforms. The parents who are opposed to mandatory public school uniforms are the parents who always made sure there children were dressed in compliance with the dress codes at their schools (Dress...

- Wake Up Jackson County Parents
Update: Board rescinds uniform decision By Jonnelle Davis Rockingham County Board of Education took a late-night vote Monday to rescind an April decision that would have required Reidsville middle and high school students to wear uniforms this fall....

- Homeschooling In Mississippi
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- Communist Journalist Takes Potshots At Freedom Of Speech
In reference to Mike Kelly's piece on mandatory public school uniforms. The study Effects of Student Uniforms on Attendance, Behavior Problems Substance Abuse, and Academic Achievements Journal article by David L. Brunsma, Kerry A. Rockquemore; The...

- Mandatory School Uniforms Are Dangerous!
The teens “were wearing their ROTC uniforms—gold hoodies and green-and-gold jogging pants” when they were arrested, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. The police officers stopped Lloyd—who has said he was walking two blocks away from where the...

