CSN Stores to the rescue

CSN Stores to the rescue

Mommy pointed out we have real trees to climb so we didn't really need a cat tree and she wisely observed that if Mouse (Artemisia) keeps eating like a PIG she won't be able to wiggle out of Scylla's clutches much longer under the bedroom vanity, so she said we should get something we really needed, like exterior lights.
(This is the old light fixture)

See the exterior lights that were on the house were there when Mommy and Daddy bought it and while Mommy didn't really like them there was always other stuff to spend their green papers on. But right around Mommy & Daddy's anniversary a wire on one of the exterior porch lights shorted out, and Daddy said he could TRY to fix it or Mommy could have new lights. Well Mommy jumped at the chance to have new lights. There are three on the front porch and one on the back. We leave the front porch lights on at night cause the boy beans have to work the night shift at the local pizzeria and they don't get home till late. So off to Lowe's Mommy and Daddy went. Mommy found some lights she liked and they were ON SALE, so she was thrilled, but when Daddy went to install them they discovered they didn't fit. The took them back for a REFUND and Mommy looked around some more but they didn't have anything that would fit that she liked in the store. They had some stuff on line but it was way more then Mommy and Daddy wanted to pay for exterior lights. So then they went to Home Depot, Ocean Springs Lumber, and Bailey's Lumber but nobody had exterior lights that Mommy liked and that would fit in the store.

Daddy didn't really want to get exterior lights online. He preferred physically seeing them first. Which we totally understand, I mean how are you suppose to know something is OK if you can't sniff it first. But since the local stores didn't have what we wanted Mommy suggested they look at CSN Stores. She told Daddy she has always had really good experiences when she dealt with them and their customer service is pawsome, plus they offer FREE SHIPPING on most orders.  And after looking in her account history she realized the Butterfly Garden Bench that WE LOVE and everyone leaves such nice comments on came from one of CSN's Stores (she had forgotten where she found it cause she bought it way back in October 2007 and it still looks as nice as the day we got it). After Mommy told him that he said for her to look and see if there was anything she liked within our price range. Well they had lots of exterior lights that she liked and that looked like they would fit, and that were reasonably priced. She finally settled on one and Daddy looked at the specifications online and he said he thought it would fit so Mommy ordered it. Daddy was very impressed with how fast they got here. She ordered them Tuesday after lunch and we got them Thursday. Daddy assembled one and held it up to make sure it fit (It DID) and so Mommy could see how she liked them. Mommy loved the way they looked and we has to agree it did greatly improve the appearance of our house.

(The New Lights from CSN Stores)

Oh, and we likes having exterior lights cause they attract bugs for us to chase, so everybody is happy. ~The Cats

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