Deadly Prank

Deadly Prank

First off I don't think throwing eggs at cars should be dismissed as harmless fun or commonplaced misbehavior. Maybe if these children had been taught to respect the property of others this young man would still be alive. Cars are expensive very few people would be OK with their expensive car being messed up. Still running the boys down and shooting at them was an over reaction. They should have been caught by the POLICE and had their butts thrown in detention as well as having to make financial restitution for the damage they caused to the cars, not killed.

It was the sort of commonplace misbehavior that raises blood pressure across the nation's roads: kids, out after midnight, egging cars along a busy thoroughfare. This time, though, the mischief turned deadly. The driver of a targeted gray Jeep barreled after the boys and someone inside pulled a gun, firing multiple shots that killed 14-year-old Danny Crawford.

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