Dear Nabisco... Please Send Ritz

Dear Nabisco... Please Send Ritz

Tuesday's snow has stuck with us...

thanks to a blast of arctic air with frigid whistling winds.

Our construction workers were unable to finish the pavilion,
due to a layer of snow/ice on the roof
(which, I am sure you will be relieved to know, has nails holding it onto the beams!).

They were, however, able to deliver our new composting outhouse.

This little privy will make summer farm work so much easier...
not having to return to the farmhouse for potty breaks.
It still needs a ventilation pipe installed and a paint job
(and of course a little touch of decor to finish it off!)

I cannot tell you how excited this addition has made me!
Woooohoooo!!!! An outdoor potty!

While feeding yesterday, I decided to stop and visit the pregnant does.

Missy:  "I'm really not in the mood for company today."

Missy:  "Oh, you have Ritz?  Well, do come in and sit a spell!"

Missy:  "Mmmmmm, mmmmmm....I love Ritz!"

Me:  "Slow down there, Missy.... one at a time!"

Myrtle:  "Hey... wanna see a trick?" 

"If I stick my tongue out really far, I can cover up Oakley!"

Me:  "Myrtle you sure are tricky!  Wanna Ritz?"

Myrtle:  "Yum, yum those Ritz!"

Nettie B.:  "Hey what about me?"

Me:  "Don't worry... there's plenty to go around."

Well, we are getting very close to kidding time here on the farm.
The ladies in waiting are huge, and should be ready to deliver in the next two weeks.
Then the real fun begins!

- Room Service
Me: "Hey Missy, it's time for dinner." Missy:  "It's about time... you're late!"Me:  "We already discussed this...when we turned the clocks back." Missy:  "What's for dinner, anyway?" Me:  "Goat feed... the good...

- And Now A Word From Our Sponsor
Well, I sure hope you haven't had your fill of piggie pictures yet,because I have a few for you today. But first a word from our sponsor.... Those of you who have followed my blog for a while know that Ritz crackersare the favored snack food of all...

- Spring Fever
Yesterday was fabulous!65 degrees, sunny....fabulous!!(And to think just a few weeks ago we had several feet of snow.)I finished up a few outdoor chores, like painting the chicken coopthat is closest to the house.  It used to be grey.Now it matches...

- Babies On Board!!
Happy news for Bee Haven Acres: Missy and Myrtle are pregnant! You might remember a post from about two months ago, when we led our bucks, kicking and screaming, down to the yard closer to the gals. Here is Smoochie in an act of protest. We put Chip...

- Turf Wars
Well, the girls have had a bit of a dispute this past week. It seems that Jill will not let Missy into the maternity ward. Our three pregnant does are housed in their own goat yard with a luxury goat house. This goat house is big and wide open until the...

