And Now A Word From Our Sponsor

And Now A Word From Our Sponsor

Well, I sure hope you haven't had your fill of piggie pictures yet,
because I have a few for you today.

But first a word from our sponsor....

Those of you who have followed my blog for a while know that Ritz crackers
are the favored snack food of all the animals on the farm.
The goats love them and beg for them at every feeding time.
The chickens will jump in the air to grab one from our hands.
The dogs love them.
The horses love them.
Even Tyler loves them.
And don't tell anyone, 
but I have been known to grab a couple from the goat feed bin for myself.

Guess who else begs for Ritz?

Edith and the boys love their crackers, too.
Edith takes the cracker from my hand 

and then breaks it and shares it with the boys.

I am thinking that we may need to do some video of the animals enjoying their Ritz,
and have one of the kids musician friends write and sing a little jingle,
and then send it in to Nabisco.
Don't you think that would make a great commercial???

I haven't given the piggies any Ritz yet....I thought I would wait until they are full grown.
I hate giving junk food to babies!
(Oh yea, that's right, Tyler likes Ritz....
but only because the animals get them.)

The snow has just about all melted now,
thanks to two days of sun.
This has allowed me to take the piggies out to graze.
For now I keep them in an enclosure...
until they are big enough to stay in the pasture.

The dogs are enthralled with them.

And the piggies are thrilled to visit with the dogs.

These gals are quite vocal with the other animals and communicate with squeals and grunts...
sure wish I knew what they were saying.

Please let me know if you get tired of piggie pictures!!
Oh, and keep your eyes out for our Ritz Cracker commercial....
coming soon!!
Who knows, maybe Nabisco will donate some Ritz to the farm!

- A Hostage Situation
Me:  Hey, Andy... come on out and say "hi". Me:  I have a Ritz for you.Donald:  I'll take that. Me:  Come on, Andy... you know you love Ritz! Andy:   Nom, nom, nom. Andy:  Nom, nom, nom....Love Ritz! Andy:  Hey!...

- Dear Nabisco... Please Send Ritz
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- New Faces
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- Good Bye Spot And Dick!
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- Wooooo Hoooooo And Ritz, Too!!
Why is Jack smiling? Well, he just cannot help himself! (And no, it's not because I have Ritz crackers!) (Which, I do...but we'll talk about that later) He's so proud of Forrest and Sissy. They've been discovered! Their "Vogue" shoot was...

