

One of Maddie's (our 130+ lb. Newfie) favorite things in the whole world is playing with and chasing Charlie Brown. In this picture, Charlie is refusing to move. Don't worry, though, Maddie has the patience of Job and will wait until Charlie finally leaps to the floor. Then the two of them will take off on a merry chase through the house...rugs flying....crashing into anything in their way.....until Charlie finds the refuge of some high piece of furniture where the dentente will begin again......a little like deja vu!!!

- Fyi & An Important Announcement
Clean + Green is offering free shipping in June. And a new site Sensible Feline is doing a give away, supposedly the site will be up sometime today. We are doing a flower show June 17th & 18th and we would love to include some of our friends in the...

- Fierce Bad Rabbit
There is a Fierce Bad Rabbit blogging at Charlie's Dog Blog. Stop by and learn what Charlie's humans have been up too. ...

- Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow
Charlie was one of the first friends we made when we started cat blogging. We will miss her very much. She was one of our special Not of My Species Friends when it was still just us cats. She invited us on a pawsome cruise. We shared a pawsome adventure...

- A New Addition
Meet TomTom. He is our new barn kitty who has come to keep Ella company since the passing of her Charlie Cat. TomTom is seen here coming down from the hayloft to investigate Maddie, our Newfie. Not caught on camera was his obvious aversion to large black...

- Good Buddies
For now, our dear Lucy Cat lives under our A-frame guest house. She has quite comfortable quarters complete with heater, heat lamp over a stuffed, sheepskin bed, and plenty of food and water. She spends her day supervising the building of our log home...

