Parting is such sweet sorrow

Parting is such sweet sorrow

Charlie was one of the first friends we made when we started cat blogging. We will miss her very much. She was one of our special Not of My Species Friends when it was still just us cats. She invited us on a pawsome cruise. We shared a pawsome adventure in Ireland with Charlie and she was kind enough to babysit Scylla & Charybdis who were young kittens at the time. And we had such fun with her in Italy. Charlie you will be greatly missed, but you will always live in our hearts and we are the better for having known you. ~Slán go fóill (Goodbye for now) Socks, Scylla, Charybdis, & Fenris

We wishes to thank Zoolatry for the graphic.

- Saturday Sorrow ~ Farewell Thunder Dunder
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- The Cruise By Scylla & Charybdis
l-r: Charlie, Charlotte, Charybdis, Pinot & Momo Our friend Charlie invited Sassy ... Momo ... Opus &Roscoe ... Karl, Emil, Mrs Oz ... Ruis ... Charlotte ... Asta ... Momo dog & Pinot ... us... and Rusty to go on a cruise. Silly Scylla...

- Happy St. Patrick's Day ~ By Socks
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- Eireann Go Brach ! By Scylla
March 15th we participated in The Denny Treasure Hunt and attended the Skyfest at Cashel then we meet our friends at Ashford Castle (there may be a wee bit of time traveling involved, being cats silly things like time do not interfer with our fun). ...

- Detente
One of Maddie's (our 130+ lb. Newfie) favorite things in the whole world is playing with and chasing Charlie Brown. In this picture, Charlie is refusing to move. Don't worry, though, Maddie has the patience of Job and will wait until Charlie...

