DOG (Artwork starring Fenris)

DOG (Artwork starring Fenris)

(Sigh) it is hard looking your best when the Mom insist on doing artwork out of your photographs, but I thinks we got some good ones.

Here I am looking all mysterious.

And here we have multiple Fenris, silly Mommy doesn't she know there is only one ME!

And here I am in charcoal. ~Fenris, artist model for ATCAD
An InLinkz Link-up

- Not Fenris Friday
 (Attorney Ernie do you see this not a dog post on Fenris Friday. Why the Mom even let a INTRUDER CAT into the post. ~Fenris) Ahem, where was I, oh I was down at the Butterfly Garden chilling with my new friend. For the purposes of this post we will...

- Fenris Friday 2016
 I am waiting for instructions from Mommy. She wants to do a photo shoot to welcome in the New Year.  Today's theme is action. This Winter weather has me busy chasing squirrels. Hard to believe it is already winter.  I am looking forward...

- Caturday Artwork ~ Floral
We choose to make the exotic Tiger Lily the subject of today's art. We thinks the orange and black looks very dramatic. We hope you enjoyed today's artwork.  Happy 4th of July everyone, we hope you are having a wonderful day with friends...

- Caturday Art
The Trumpet Vine is blooming, Mommy was beginning to give up on it. We planted it 3 years ago and this is the first time it has bloomed. The Variegated Chinese Bells. And now for our artwork. Mommy turned the sky gray so the Trumpet Vine would really...

- Tuiren Tuesday
Fenris kindly let me play with the love worm. Fenris usually HOGS all the toys. I am resting up I has a very impawtant mission. We are taking part in NaNoWriMo tomorrow. I has to help Fenris with our contribution to the plot. We are so excited to be a...

