Tuiren Tuesday

Tuiren Tuesday

Fenris kindly let me play with the love worm. Fenris usually HOGS all the toys. I am resting up I has a very impawtant mission.

We are taking part in NaNoWriMo tomorrow. I has to help Fenris with our contribution to the plot. We are so excited to be a part of this and we can't wait to read today's installment at Bark and Lunge. As you can imagine I cheered our doggie hero (Petey) on in Day 1 when he dug out although if I had been there I would have told him climbing or jumping out is much easier and far less work then digging. Obviously our hero is a good dog like Fenris and only escapes his yard under the most dire conditions and not a hard boiled escape artist like myself. I just hopes he doesn't get in too much trouble today....................Maybe I can use some of my true life adventures to flesh out the plot, Fenris says I should put my experience to good use.

Does anyone know what kind of toy a hot wire is? it seems I am getting one for Christmas. Is it something like Hot Wheels? ~Tuiren reporting for ATCAD

- Inside Trouble
Mommy had forgotten how much trouble kittens are until we came along to remind her. First we got up on the crate, we quickly learned to get on the half wall from here and jump out of confinement. Mommy moved the crate but we still figured out daredevil...

- Fenris Friday
Hello every buddy. I am giving Mommy my come hither look here. Tuiren says I am suppose to play hard to get so I am ignoring her here. I wonders if it will work. According to Tuiren if I wasn't so EASY we would get treats for photo shoots. I went...

- Mancat Monday
When Mommy takes me outside I hides from her. Behind the septic system is a good hiding place. Daddy built this nice cedar planter to cover the pump up. The Jungle Gym isn't really a good hiding spot but I likes to sit up here because I can see far...

- Mancat Monday
 Can you believe my Mean Mommy gave me a bath, it isn't enough she sticks PILLS down my throat now she thinks I need to be dumped in a BATH TUB to get clean.  I do NOT APPROVE!!!!!  I do like the way she fixed my water bowl. Mommy finally...

- Fenris Friday
BOL, Mommy says this is my mug shot.  My routine has been shot to heck and I am most unhappy. I get stucks inside so Socks can play outside in MY YARD with MY MOMMY.. I do not thinks this is fair. Sometimes I get to go outside with Socks & Mommy,...

