Donkey Dust

Donkey Dust

It's a hot, dry, dusty afternoon in the barnyard...
the kind of day that sends you and me into the air conditioning.

The horses hang out in the barn in front of the fans.
The donkeys?

They seem to revel in the heat of the sun.
And there is plenty of shade in their yard.

Daphne prefers napping in the sun.

And after her nap?

A good old fashioned dust bath!

Back and forth she rolls....

Ahh....yes, that's the spot.

The itch is scratched...
and a fine layer of dust on the skin will help to keep the flies away.

The donkeys spend their mornings out in the pasture.
But, from the looks of their bellies, they may have to cut back a little!
(part of that big belly is actually the remains of her winter coat...
the part that she didn't feel she needed clipped.

These girls are great about keeping their fly masks on all day long.
They come off at bedtime...
nothing worse than a donkey with "night blindness"!

PS:  Little Leo is back in the barn...seemingly recovered from whatever it was
that "got" him.  I saw a baby snake in front of the barn this morning and wondered
if maybe his abcess came from a snake bite.
(Hate. Snakes.)

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