Donkey Dilemmas

Donkey Dilemmas

"Oh, Donkey Girls!!!" I say in my sing-songy voice.
"Come on, Donkey's time to come it....."
I repeat.

If someone heard me they'd think me crazy.
I am, I suppose...just a little.
But the donkey gals have come to expect that call.
And when they hear it, they begrudgingly start their trek back to their yard.

Their willingness is rewarded...
with brunch.

Yesterday they were hesitant, however.
You see, there was a large gang of very scary guineas dust bathing right in front of their gate.

what to do?

I repeated their call and still they ignored me.

I had to intervene if we were to get on with things.

And that's all it took.
Back into the yard they came.

They checked out brunch.

Daphne was uninterested and preferred to investigate the much bucket.
I'm not sure why, but everyone always wants to check out the muck bucket.

Or, the yuck bucket as I call it.

"Daphne, the yuck bucket is not to be worn!"
Daphne loves to accessorize.
Silly longears!

 "Oh, those guineas make me weak in the knees!" says Daphne.

Chloe is unconcerned and continues her dust bath.

Did you notice how lovely these gals have become this summer.
I clipped them at the beginning of summer, 
and they have finally finished shedding out their winter coats.
Now the cross on their backs is quite prominent.

The only problem is...Daphne's only distinguishing mark (the white spot on her forehead)
shed out along with the rest of her.
Now, except for the fact that her belly fur is a little longer,
there is no way to tell the two apart!

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