Every Day is Made of Moments

Every Day is Made of Moments

I wish I could carry you in my pocket as I go about my day.

There are so many moments that I would share with you.
So many smiles.

But since I cannot do that, I carry my camera and snap as many photos as I can...
hoping to capture the essence of each and every day.

 Yesterday was as perfect a day as one could ask for.

Sunny, blue skies, cool temperatures...
everyone was happy.

All of the animals are so much happier when it is just a little cool outside.
 And honestly, so am I!

There's nothing sweeter than a pig's head in your lap!

Nap-time...it's what afternoons were made for!

Making friends through the fence.

Too tired to even hold her head up!

There's nothing like a bunch of awkward adolescents.

"You think I look bad, you should see yourself!"

We have a visitor for a week...
Sammy #2...
Andy and Ashley's dog.
(Andy and Ashley are last summer's newlyweds and are pregnant with
my first granddaughter...due mid-August.)

All four of the dogs get along well.
We'll have lots of adventures this coming week with Sammy #2.

(Whispering, because I don't want to jinx myself....)
These two turkey boys have been putting themselves to bed for the past month.
It's so nice to not have to walk the turkeys back home every evening...
they walk themselves home!

It's a wonderful time of year on the farm...
perhaps the best part of the year.
The world is teeming with life...

The chore list is gradually getting smaller.
And as each item gets crossed off the list,
the farm looks just a little better.
It's going to be a beautiful summer!

Happy Friday, friend.
I hope your weekend is perfect!

PS...I was asked yesterday about the grapevine that grows on my garden fence...
It is a Concord grape vine.
It is located at the lowest end of the garden, and so it gets plenty of moisture.
As for care...I know that I am supposed to prune it...
However I have found that this vine thrives on neglect.

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