Evolution Outreach Projects

Evolution Outreach Projects

Be sure to check out their resources for teachers, textbook disclaimer stickers, and Darwin Stickers.

February 12th is Darwin Day, click here for some neat ways to celebrate.

- Is Wal-mart Deliberately Selling Poisoned Pet Food?
Sheri McComber says four of her cats got sick after eating Special Kitty brand cat food. She checked the labels on the food and found they were listed on the product recall. She said, "This was done on purpose." We found dozens of the pouches just...

- Brownback, Huckabee & Tancredo Don't Belive In Evolution
In the "gotcha" question of the first GOP debate, journalist Jim VandeHei, relaying a citizen's question, asked John McCain: "Do you believe in evolution?" A natural response might have been, "Well, that depends on how you define evolution." It would...

- Why Teach Anything?
Meet our new friend, Georgia State House Rep. Ben Bridges (R), chairman of the retirement committee in the state house. Bridges is now in a bit of trouble for spilling the beans about evolution being the product of a Pharisee Jew conspiracy to bamboozle...

- It's Darwin Day!!!! Celebrate Charles Dawin's Birthday
Charles Robert Darwin was born on February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury, England. Websites The Complete Works of AboutDarwin.com Darwin Online Blogs Evolved Homeschooling Red State Rabble Recommended Reading The Language of God by Francis S. Collins ...

- Evolution Resource
For those of you teaching evolution check out PBS's Evolution Project. I discovered a blog I really like Red State Rabble, they seem to cover evolution, science, separation of church and state, civil liberties and censorship. Wonderful evolution and...

